I’m feeling so inspired to write and so Inspired to talk about some things that God has placed on my heart. I don’t know how to get them out in words, I don’t know how to explain my thoughts to people but I think that this is something we all need to hear.
As I have hit a bump this week in my life and it’s been just an emotional day and I’ve been filled with all kinds of emotions. I sit and think that no matter what, we are all going to go through heartaches, troubles, and pain. Whether you are a believer or unbeliever, you are going to go through something that you wish you weren’t. You are going to feel pain. You are going to feel grief. You are going to not understand at times. You are going to be totally blind sided at times. This is what happens. This is life.
I think as Christians, we sometimes think if we put are all to God and seek him first that we are going to always be okay and never go through the troubles but no. Things happen and things hurt so it can either make you or break you. God wants it to make you! The devil wants it to break you! The enemy lives around us every day and every opportunity he gets he will attack, especially when you are hurting or in pain but here’s the thing guys, because we are Christ followers, we don’t have to be afraid of this breaking us because we have God on our side who will get you through these hard times and will continue to shape you and mold you from this pain if you allow him to.
This week, I have been challenged, I have been challenged to either let this problem make or break me but here’s the thing, when you face a problem with God by your side, he will take care of you. He will heal your broken heart and he will overcome this. Facing problems with God always makes the pain a lot easier.
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”- Romans 8:18
One of my good friends told me today, ” don’t give up what you want most for what you want now” he basically explained that no matter if I’m hurting or what’s going on, the end result is being glorified by Jesus. So this reminded me to not lose hope and seek his kingdom.
I don’t know where you are today. I know some of you are grieving from a loss in your family. Maybe some of you are missing someone in your family who has been lost through addiction, maybe some of you are struggling with addiction, disease, or a disorder. Maybe some of you are not wanting to live another day. Maybe some of you did not get this job or lost the job or you didn’t get the result you expected. Number one, you should know you are not alone.
You should know that you are loved
You should know that the world might seem like it’s against you but God isn’t.
You should know that this pain and heartache you are facing today is only turning you into who you will become.
You can get through this & you will. If you remember to seek His kingdom first!!!
His plan is far greater than ours, trust in it!!
Wow I love this so inspiring.So proud of u sweetie and the awesome young lady u have become.Love u
In life, we shall have tribulations, Scripture tells us this and yes our Lord is always by our side. We aren’t forsaken or abandoned to face the challenges of life alone. What a comfort this is.
One thing I’ve learned about pain & suffering, Rylee is this. We suffer things and survive them in order to later bless someone else who may be going thru the same or similar situation we had. We are able then to come along side then and comfort, show them the Love of God & empathy, sharing “I know how this feels, I’ve give they it myself.”
God bless my darling girl for your bravery in coming forward with all of this. Know that I love you, Rylee & have always seen you like my older girl. One who is extremely good looking by the world’s standards, yes. But one who’s true beauty lies deep inside and is the type which time/not life can take away. Your beauty comes from your spirit which is of course from God. Do not worry about the mirror or other people, merely or on the full armor of God and read your Bible as if your life depended on it… because it does. Aunt Vicki