Well it’s been awhile since I’ve wrote my last blog but Ik back!! From Haiti to church camp in Florida from working constantly, it’s been a very busy summer for me.
Some times when life gets in the way & you become busy and constantly going, you can become so overwhelmed that you become unmotivated or not inspired. I’ll be honest, I’ve been so overwhelmed lately that I haven’t been Inspired but that’s just what the devil wants from me. He wants me to become distracted from Gods word and become uninspired so he can get me off track but I won’t let this happen!!
My desires & goals are to meaningful to let go of.. The devil wants us to become lonely. He wants us to feel alone and weak. The devil wants us to become distracted from Gods word. He wants us to become unmotivated from going to church or going to bible studies. He wants us to hate people and be bitter toward them. He wants us to be afraid of chasing our dreams. He wants us to be ashamed of our pasts or maybe even our life now. He wants you to stray away from God.
God wants us to know that we are never alone, because He is with us. Hebrews 13:5 says, “never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” God is always for you & never against you! God wants you to constantly dive into His word, His word is perfect and flawless but if we don’t make it personal in our life’s than what is it doing for us? God wants us to love everyone & forgive everyone!! Peter 4:8, “above all else love whole heartdly, because love covers over a multitude of sin.” He wants us to be the light in this dark world!! He wants us so desperately, He wants us to want him.
Don’t let whatever emotion you have been dealing with take you away from Gods plan for your life! His plan will prevail, you can make all the plans you want for your life but eventually only His plan will show. Proverbs 19:21, “many plans are in a persons heart,but the Lords plan will prevail”
The devil is out to attack you, he wants you to feel every negative emotion & he wants to distract you from your faith but remember that God is our only solid ground & because of His strength , we are strong!!
I hope this has maybe helped you remember to be inspired by Gods truth for our life no matter how overwhelming life gets. It’s helped me recently and I hope for it to help you!
Thank you for reading!!! 💜💜
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